Hello! Today is:

Ordinary life

Extraordinary love




I'm Susan

... the creator and writer here at Simply Susan. I started blogging in 2006 strictly as a hobby to help process life and ideas and, quite frankly, to keep from going a little bit crazy bumping around in my own headspace. It's one of the places where I write and watch for the ways that God is at work in my life. I am a homemaker. That's my full time job, and I couldn't be happier. I enjoy writing, cooking, growing herbs, walking, nature, birds, good books, beaches, euchre, music, chocolate, chats over coffee, early mornings when the stars are still bright in the sky, and so much more. All of these are second only to enjoying time with my husband who is my very best friend, our children, and our grandchildren. If you feel a little bit of connection to any of that and want to be part of conversations about living a very ordinary life filled with extraordinary love, please come back and visit often. It's not exactly a chat over coffee in real life, but it could be the next best thing. There is always room at the table! I hope you will find a warm welcome here.


Favorite things

just a few


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Giving thanks  There are so many things that I could write about today for which I am thankful, I am just going to have to start with what I can rem…

The New Thing

I’ve been procrastinating writing this piece. I’m a little hesitant about how to approach the concept of hospitality in the middle of a pandemic. Tha…

A Writer's Manifesto

Such a sigh of relief. The Hope Writers Manifesto sitting right in front of me on my writing desk reminds me, “We are still real writers even if we n…

No Addiction Required

I didn’t really know what it was called at the time, I just knew I was miserable and I had arrived at a place where something had to give. I knew my …

instagram @Keep_it_Simple_Susan

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