Hello! Today is:


I’ve been procrastinating writing this piece. I’m a little hesitant about how to approach the concept of hospitality in the middle of a pandemic. That’s part of it, but the other part is still me working on getting out of my comfort zone and back into the place where I cheerfully and readily open the doors to our home and to my heart. I’ve written a little about the weird place I have found myself lately, but suffice it to say the past year or two have been very strange and difficult when it comes to our willingness to practice hospitality. This is very much in contrast to what we have experienced in our past. I don't believe we are alone in this conundrum.

However, the concept of hospitality seems to be experiencing a resurgence - a new and better concept of what it means versus a common misconception that speaks more of entertaining - or maybe I just think it is because it is on my mind so much of the time and that makes me more sensitive to the topic when it does cross my path. Either way, I am drawn to the idea of living it out more in my own life and encouraging others to do so also. I believe we can learn creative ways to extend hospitality, true and genuine hospitality, that can change the world by tending to our small spaces one heart at a time. If every person in existence were truly loving the people in their lives, our world would be unrecognizable. Like many others, I am convinced that simply doing my small part right where I am is the best way to fulfill what Jesus calls the two greatest commandments - to love God, and love people. When we develop a heart for hospitality, we discover ways to express that love through our actions.

There is, as I mentioned, a growing movement to encourage and empower folks to view hospitality as an integral part of their lives. It’s 2020, and in our current environment being intentional about loving other people can be very challenging. How did something so simple become so hard? 

I hope to do more to reclaim a sense of connection to people in my life, to pay closer attention to what’s happening around me and to the needs of people in my family, my neighborhood, and in our community. In creating this space, I hope to hold myself accountable to this commitment, and to invite others to join me on the journey. I’ll share creative ways I’ve enjoyed extending hospitality, explore new ideas to do so, and point to others who also share the ways they practice hospitality. I invite you to contribute your thoughts and ideas and share your experiences in what I hope will develop into an active community of women and families striving to grow in their own expressions of hospitality.

What a joy it is to recognize other hospitable hearts and to share enthusiasm for our efforts to love God, and to love people through simple acts of kindness. I welcome others looking to nurture a spirit of hospitality in their everyday lives!

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.”  1 Peter 4:8-9


instagram @Keep_it_Simple_Susan

Copyright © Simply Susan