Hello! Today is:


Giving thanks 
There are so many things that I could write about today for which I am thankful, I am just going to have to start with what I can remember and then continue as the days allow.

I am thankful for the gift of seeing my childhood hometown through fresh eyes. Josh has given me a gift that I'm not sure he'll ever really fully understand. There is a long and rather complicated story behind it, and much of it very personal so I won't share details, but suffice it to say that because of the chain of events initiated when he decided to pursue the love of his life (never letting the fact that she lived over three hours away deter him), I have begun experiencing my hometown in a whole new and joy-filled way. Something I never imagined possible. That's a whole series of stories for other days. But for now, I want to share a sampling of the things that make me smile.

Stan's Pastry Shop for one. Ya'll know I am a foodie through and through and this little midwestern jewel should never be skipped when in town. It might not look like much from the curbside view, but I assure you what's inside is a treasure! I grew up eating cream horns on a regular basis. My grandma (on my dad's side) seemed to always have a stash of these ready for me when I arrived. After she passed, my mom and dad seemed to know how important they were to me, and I imagine they enjoyed them just as much. I double checked my information to be sure my memory was correct - back then it was Dixie Cream Donuts, then it was Daylight Donuts (someone told me but I don't remember this) and now Stan's holds the key to this beloved pastry.

We do have local bakeries that make really good cream horns, but there is something about getting them 'back home' that rings sweeter to my heart.

Then there is my now favorite restaurant in town, The Hawkeye. Great food, great service, fantastic atmosphere. It's our go-to when in town now. What a great gathering place!

View from the bank of the Might Mississippi - spent so much time there as a kid.

Celebrating the upcoming arrival of a new baby boy with family (a really, really, really BIG family LOL) and winning the poopie prize! This may possibly redeem all the poop I've had to deal with the past few years.

This was topped only by the fact that Shy asked to look at my poop LOL (She was the photographer and wanted to snap this shot with my winning poop and the losing fart).

I am living vicariously through Sarah at Goats and Hoes!

And then some of the farm life came home with me...

...but not the goats or chickens. Or the peacocks, or the guinea, or the kitten - that very well might have had he not jumped from the back of the van before it was closed. :-)

And there are these moments too...

At rest. At peace. On a hill, under a big ole tree, overlooking a beautiful view. I can still hear her telling me and all my siblings - "Love you more". Miss you Mom.

Outside my window - The sun is shining and it's perfect 76 degrees. I enjoyed one cup of coffee on the deck and decided to come inside to get started on some creative work. The birds - every morning - singing so happily. I will never get enough of that.

Clothing myself in - I intentionally changed from one pair of pajamas to something that resembles pajamas as closely as I can get away with on a Monday. But I have a good reason, really, I do. I'm supposed to be wearing a boot. I have such a painful and chronic case of plantar fasciitis that it has caused 'reactive bone marrow edema'. I had never heard of that before, but it doesn't sound good, right? I delayed wearing the boot for a couple of weeks because I had committed to some things that I just couldn't not do. But this morning I texted my children and informed them that I would be on sabbatical for the next two weeks. Which leads me to...

In the kitchen - I planned meals for the time from shopping to the time we leave for camp (for two weeks). There is plenty of ingredients and supplies for those planned meals. Guess who is not going to be preparing them? You got it - me. I'm on that self-declared sabbatical. The boot is supposed to help, but I know in my heart of hearts I'm going to have to stay off my feet as much as possible. It's really that simple, but oh it's not going to be easy. But to do what I love and to launch what I hope will be a fun and creative way to connect people and food, I have to recover my full and energetic mobility. 

Writing - Blog posts and maybe a little of the fiction WIP. It occurred to me when I reached out to a friend about building a custom table for our family that it seemed time to revisit the story. Feeling inspired :-) Also, a plan for a new adventure - Supper Club with follow on cooking classes. Working out all the details! 

Reading Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. I finished up our book of the month, First Lie Wins by Ashely Elston. Will start The Starling House by Alix Harrow asap. Need to catch up to the group at Beyond the Pages! Come join the fun!!

Also, I resumed my daily reading of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I've picked the book back up because the app is acting wonky. They've issued an apology, but it was the perfect reason for me to revisit the pages and the notes I've written in the margins over the years. Along with this I have resumed The Language of Letting Go and More Language of Letting Goboth by Melody Beattie.

Watching - Finished debauchery (aka Game of Thrones) for the third time through. For those questioning our choice in television viewing - I don't blame you, not one little bit. I have no excuse. It is what it is. By the time I sit down at night to relax I'm too worn out to focus on reading or deciding what's new and better to watch. 

Listening - I'm actually using Audible for the above referenced books, so mostly Audible. But on our trips to and from my hometown, we enjoy lots of different music. I was introduced to some new songs and artists and reminded of some old favorites. This one - wow, just wow. When I listen to this I hear the sound track for the novel my daughter is working on. 

Making - plans. Plans for the house renovations, plans for camp, plans to heal my foot, plans for creative work and play, plans for a wedding. 

Camp - Less than two weeks and we'll be there! I've been ordering things from Amazon and Sams that we need to take with us. There is more I'll need to have delivered there because it's too much or to large to take with us. I hope to create a store front eventually for all things campy (and so much more!).

The week ahead - I'm going to stay off my feet and work/create and get this foot healed!! But there are a few things I've committed to... LOL

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