Hello! Today is:


More about me

It's most likely a happy accident that you found your way to my little corner of the blogging world. I'm so happy you're here.

I started blogging in 2006 strictly as a hobby to help process life and ideas and, quite frankly, to keep from going a little bit crazy bumping around in my own headspace. It's one of the places where I write and watch for the ways that God is at work in my life.

At nineteen, I became wife to my high school sweetheart while he was still a college student. Together, we forged our family through twenty years of military life, nineteen moves, eight children; three of whom we grieved as they passed briefly through this world and into the next, and five that continue to be the source of our most cherished relationships, sweetest memories, and the very best stories. I have enjoyed my years as a stay-at-home mom, occasional homeschool teacher, and now Gramma (aka Ma-ma) to a growing number of grand-littles. Together, my husband, our youngest daughter, and I were primary caregiver to my aging mother who lived with us. She passed in February of this year. Our transition to a new season is a work-in-progress.

I am a homemaker. That's my full time job, and I couldn't be happier.

I enjoy writing, cooking, growing herbs, walking, nature, birds, good books, beaches, euchre, music, chocolate, chats over coffee, early mornings when the stars are still bright in the sky, and so much more. We unexpectedly discovered a new found passion for camping glamping. All of these are second only to enjoying time with my husband who is my very best friend, our children, and our grandchildren. 


If you feel a little bit of connection to any of that and want to be part of conversations about creating an ordinary life filled with extraordinary love (and good food!), please come back and visit often. It's not exactly a chat over coffee in real life, but it could be the next best thing! 

I confess, I may be a bit of a coffee snob. Not like the most expensive kind of coffee snob, just not a Folgers or Maxwell House kind of coffee girl. I like my Starbucks Breakfast Blend Kaldi Coffee at home fresh from my own grinder. And if there is no creamer, don’t bother.

If I were a state, Sunflowers would be my flower and the Dragonfly would be my insect. They hold special meaning for me because of their symbolism. 

I hope you will find a warm  welcome here.




instagram @Keep_it_Simple_Susan

Copyright © Simply Susan